And if it’s Love, let it be Vienna!

And if it’s Love, let it be Vienna!

Autumn has arrived and it is getting dark early. At this time of year we are inclined to stay indoors and we find it difficult to motivate ourselves to go anywhere. Fortunately, Vienna is still tempting and inviting even at this time with a delicious brunch at Ulrich, a steaming hot chocolate at Sacher, a rare exhibition in Albertina and a long conversation.

A conversation with our Loved One(s) about topics that are difficult to discuss at home – we never find the right time and/or the right words to broach it – or simply a conversation about love itself. Both of these are very exciting and I just took part in one last week in Vienna on my daughter’s birthday.

I remember well during my children’s teenage years how I would sit on the couch in the living room for long evenings in order to catch that word or that half sentence when they were ready to open up and talk about their deepest problems. Many people think that if a kid has a problem, he/she should come to us to get answers. A teenager won’t do this – they work on things deeply and internally and – whether we like it or not – we have to notice the signs. And if they (finally :o)) do give us one, then “then and there” it is worth being present and to respond. I know that it may seem very boring and perhaps a waste of time from the outside, because there is always a more important job to do, a phone call to make and so on. In reality, this is nothing other than true attention and trust building in order to be able to spend an exciting day together after the stormy teenage years have passed to talk about the big things in Life and to remove the veil from some secret topics, among others for example, True Love … :o)

A sunny smiley autumn day caresses not only our faces, but our souls as well! I just want to encourage you not to miss out on the opportunity - don’t even stop until you reach your favorite city, enjoy the beautiful unique colors of autumn and talk … about secret topics! :o)