Do you remember how many times you uttered this sentence or just thought it in the last year? Do you remember running with the kids to school early in the morning, then to work, there you ran further from one place to another, from one person to the other? Many times you forgot to have lunch or took quick bites, without even chewing, between two phone calls, listened to a person who turned to you, while, with half an eye, you were already reading your emails or your text messages. You were upset because you got soaked in the rain on your way to the car, even though you wanted to take your umbrella with you, but your smart phone said that there was definitely no chance of rain. You canceled coffee with one of your best friends, again, though it would have been so nice … More and more often you felt exhausted and you dreamed of a time when you could manage your tasks more calmly and when even a nice coffee would fit into your hectic afternoon schedule. You forgot about your dreams ... and you just grumbled to yourself “I wish I were at home”
According to one of my Masters “We should pay attention to what we say, because that will be!” :o) Actually, our wish has come true. We didn’t say how, when or under what circumstances … just simply to be at home … :o)
“And so it is” :o) it has happened. Since we are at home anyway, let’s enjoy it and let’s do everything we can and make the most of it, and then we will see what will come! There is a famous line of a song “today will be tomorrow’s yesterday”. Do you remember that one of your greatest desires was to live in harmony with yourself, your family and your work? “3 in 1” - everything in one place :o) The time is here, don’t let this opportunity go by!
p.s.: If you would like to discuss where this harmony begins or how we can create it under given circumstances, please call or write to me! Many thanks!