I like every season for one reason or another, but especially spring. Not only because the men with the greatest impact on my life (my grandfather, my brother and OC), and of course, I too were all born in spring, but also because I love to see and hear how nature is waking up. It is easier to get up at dawn because the birds wake me up with their singing and everyday I can admire how much my tulips have grown. I can hardly wait to finally plant my tomatoes, which I have been raising inside on the dining table, in their respective pots.
As with most of my friends, I too am working from home. However, compared to the last one and half years, there is now one new feature – my daughter is also doing the home office thing :o), so when she is at home, we have to share the flat and organize who, where and when we each do our telephoning, skyping...By now it has become clear that not only can we have coffee while talking on the phone with the girls, but we can do Pilates and facial yoga as well, with the help of the internet. So we can save a lot of travelling time. Oh! And there are always free places to sit down, nobody bumps into us, the coffee is just the way we like it :o)) and there is even chocolate to go with it :o))
A lot of people are satisfied and happy with this, but several have asked me what they can do with their new found free time? First of all, I suggest catching up on your sleep. :o) After that comes the next step! Sit down at least twice every day for 5-10 minutes somewhere in the flat where you feel good and are not disturbed by anyone. Close your eyes and imagine/conjure up an image, a moment when you were really happy – on a beach, fishing (perhaps on a boat), on a mountain top, on butterflies island, in a clearing in the forest, in Grandma’s garden, in the arms of your Partner, in a tea house or café where you laughed together etc. And just smile! As much as possible! Because the smiling body and soul can remain healthy! And if you are healthy, the sun shines on you even brighter and you can find the best solution to even the most impossible situations! :o) Give it a try!
If these words have lifted your spirits and you would like to pass this on to others, please feel free to forward it or share it with them! Many thanks! :o)