The Moon

The Moon

The Moon is one of our most wonderful planets, as she changes her form several times each month. Many people are afraid of her, and the Full Moon is expressly announced as formidable. We, Western people – in my opinion – are arrantly forgetting about that the fact that the Moon is one of our most beautiful magic planets and she personifies perfectly the three figures of the Woman.

In mythology the Moon is Selene – the young girl, Artemis – the mature lady, Hecate – the old philosopher, the enchantress. These are the three stages of the woman’s age to which conform the three main faces of the Moon. The new Moon is the beginning of something, the waxing Moon is the integration/growing up. If I look at the movements of nature, then, my Grandmother used to say that this is the time when it should be sown and planted because the plants grow and come to fruition much faster. You may also be aware that a diet or a detox juice diet should we started at old Moon, because at waxing Moon even in a best case scenario nothing will happen … :o) A full Moon provides a possibility for insight/understanding, therefore at that time it is worth to sit down in the evening and to think and talk with our Partner, what kind of month we had, what could be done differently from tomorrow or from the new Moon, what could be changed …

According to ’the first of us’ the Man is the perfect Sun around which revolves the perfect Moon. She shines the blaze of the Sun with love in the night world thus lighting the invisible empires. I will write about it in my next 5 blog entries. Please read them! :o)