The third main character of 2021 is Mercury

The third main character of 2021 is Mercury

May I ask how your last week was? Have you already started to feel the effects of Mars and Uranus? I ran into Uranus twice – once on Wednesday morning at 9:10 and then on Friday morning at 7:20… on both days, within seconds, my thoughtfully planned day fell apart and I had to replan everything completely…without any anger or complaint…laughing :o))))…with an understanding that we have to be FLEXIBLE in adapting to sudden events and new circumstances :o))))

Mercury helps us in this understanding, by whom we are not only able to understand others but ourselves as well and make ourselves understood by them. With Mercury, we are intellectually energetic and active. With his help we pay attention to our words and speak nicely and we can read the signs/signals perfectly well and understand them. Thanks to Mercury, there is order around us and we are able to think in terms of systems.

One of my dear friends suddenly became very sad during her analysis. When I asked her why, she answered simply that the ruling planet of her birth was “only” Mercury. When I explained the above-mentioned points to her, adding that this is the planet that carries the secret knowledge and by this brings the initiation into our lives, her eyes started to shine! :o))

This year, on several occasions Mercury

- will bring about creative aspects with Mars to give us strength to say those things that have been lying dormant and seemed unspeakable or to understand those things that we had no idea about until now. We had a feeling that something was there, but we always dismissed it because we didn’t understand and actually, we didn’t really want to deal with it. Well, 2021 is an excellent time to do it.

- will be in conjunction not only with wise Jupiter – bringing about cleansing, forgiveness, and the freedom of thought with deep and great conversations -, but also with the beautiful Venus – creating those changes and transformations in friendships and relationships, thanks to which kindness and love will play a leading role in them.

I am sure you have also felt during your life the power of not only the spoken word but thoughts as well. Thanks to Mercury, all of this is even more true! In such times our grandmothers warned us “Be careful what you say because it will come true!” And it is true! …:o)))) … of course, everyone decides what, how or what kind of life they conjure/create around themselves in their everyday lives. Instead of “snakes and frogs” I, personally will stick to a happy, healthy and full life. What about You?

PS: For those of you who already have an astroscope (ancient horoscope), it is worth paying attention to those areas and aspects that are affected by Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus, because their energies can be raised more easily from now on.