When your phone throws in the towel …

When your phone throws in the towel …

On Saturday morning I was a little bit worried about what to write in my next blog entry. However, by the afternoon, this problem was resolved when my mobile phone decided to throw in the towel. It was unwilling to cooperate in any manner. I was running around the house at a loss trying different cables and different sockets but nothing was able to bring it back to life. So much for brand name phones…

I thought or rather felt that my sense of security was a little bit shaken by this. I couldn’t be reached and I couldn’t reach anybody. Then the obvious solution occurred to me – I would write an email to those people who would be worried about me if they couldn’t reach me (e.g. my kids). I did just that. Nonetheless, I still felt a little bit uncomfortable.

And what does an astrosopher do in such situations? She/he checks to see what kinds of energy are in the sky on that day and what he /she needs to learn.

On January 18th, there were two important energies. One of them was the message of unconditional love as Mars was in conjunction with Antares, which is the alpha star of the Scorpio star constellation. “It is true” - I thought -, “that I unconditionally love Old Cat, my kids and my friends, but this has nothing to do with my phone.” Ok, so what about the other one?

The answer lied in Uranus, which together with Venus and Mercury wanted to show us what we are capable of in unexpected situations. Are we able to wake the latent genius inside us and solve such situations? ;o)

The truth is that, for one thing, there is life (even) beyond the telephone…, and it is actually unusually peaceful. Second, our sense of security comes, not from devices, (e.g. our mobile phones) or from other people, but from within ourselves. And what is the most important thing? If we do not cling to our routines and habits, then we are absolutely able and ready to face the unexpected (circumstances/ and happenings) while maintaining our sense of security! And this (at least at my age ;o)) is really good news, isn’t it! :o)))))

p.s.: What else happened on that day? My girlfriend misplaced her garage remote control so well that she had to go to the cinema on foot. Of course, she found it the next day in a place where she had already looked... :o) My daughter’s taxi got a flat tire on the way home from the Saturday night party, so she decided to spend the night at her girlfriends place instead...