The Polaris Star, commonly the North Star or Pole Star, is the only star visible from Earth that is constant. Polaris stands almost motionless in the sky,. It shows the way and the direction for the wanderers, the sailors, the people lost in the dark or deviated from their path. At the top of the little Dipper shines with this energy healing the soul and heart. True to the Light of Polaris, in a beautiful collaboration – we, Zsuzsanna Rath and Zita Zombori – together established the Lunarium Academy, which offer you the opportunity to take your Life, Relationship, Business and Profession to a higher level. 2020 brought the end of old times and the need for change. 2021 and 2022 provided you an opportunity to harness the power of this wave to begin this change. 2023 has irreversibly brought the beginning of the new era.
Zita, with the help of the personalized Star Map, shows you the driving forces of your energy system, your actions, and your hidden values. Working with Zsuzsa you will see and let go your visible and invisible blocks. It is the answer to being able to live and work in its entirety.
Please visit our website – - look at our different programs and choose the most suitable for yourself!